Saturday, December 5, 2009

12/4- Disturbing

Note: I am under 18.

I am sitting on the farthest end of a beige couch. A man, somewhere in his forties, is sitting at the other end. The couch isn't large, it could probably only fit three people comfortably. I saw the man earlier in my dream, didn't say anything, but noticed that he was looking at me. I think he was latin american, or something like that. Not unattractive, but the 24-28 year age difference is obviously very wrong. As were sitting there, he reaches over and puts his hand on my thigh, and moves closer to me. Then he starts touching me everywhere, and i sit there complacently letting it happen. What disturbs me is that even though i didn't exactly LIKE it in my dream, I didn't dislike it either. It makes me wonder what i would do if this situation happened in real life. I honestly can't say i wouldnt be the same way i was in my dream.

I am obviously slightly "disturbed".

12/3- Chase

A man with wavy black hair is trying to murder me. He traps me in a deep hole. I climb out and run like hell to a neighbors house. This is one of my recurring dreams. The person chasing me differs though. Thankfully, my dreams are much shorter now that im smart enough to run out of the house instead of staying trapped inside the house running and hiding from him for half an hour. Each time, i think that maybe i should give in and let the man murder me, but my natural insticts force me to run.